When to use a Jumper's Knee Strap

When to use a Jumper's Knee Strap

What is Jumper’s Knee?

Jumper’s Knee is a painful condition that results from a tear or inflammation in the patellar tendon, the tissue which connects the tibia (shin bone) to the patella (knee cap). Jumper’s Knee is also known as patellar tendinitis.

The condition is known as jumper’s knee as it is an overuse injury which can be caused by constant jumping, landing and changing direction, causing damage to the patellar tendon.

It is a common injury for track and field athletes, footballers, volleyball and basketball players and can also be caused by overloading the patellar tendon in explosive activities such as weightlifting and sprinting.

Jumper’s Knee Symptoms

Jumper’s Knee results in pain just below the kneecap during exercise, with the bottom of the patella becoming very tender and painful. Athletes are likely to experience aching and stiffness after exercise as well as swelling just below the kneecap.

As you use the patellar tendon every time you straighten your knee, then any activity involving this motion can worsen the pain. You can feel pain in the knee from simply climbing stairs or walking downhill, although jumping activities in particular are likely to cause the most discomfort.

How to treat Jumper’s Knee

Jumper’s Knee should initially be treated by reducing the initial pain through the PRICE protocol (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation).

An ice pack should be applied to the knee within 24 hours of feeling pain and after any exercise. This will help to reduce the swelling and the LP Hot and Cold Pack is ideal for this.

Using a Jumper’s Knee Strap

A Jumper’s Knee Strap will help to ease the strain on the patellar tendon and the LP Dual Patella Strap is recommended for this.

Jumper's Knee Strap

LP Dual Patella Strap / 581 - £13.99

This strap includes an innovative compression system which reduces the muscle contraction of the quadriceps tendon that extends to the patellar tendon.

This means that the strap takes some of the strain away from the patellar tendon, helping to reduce pain and prevent fatigue.

The LP Dual Patella Strap is made from highest grade closed cell neoprene and also includes a plastic casing which provides good protection during intense or daily activities. It helps to maintain a consistent compression force on the patellar tendon.

The strap is available for £13.99 and is available in just two different sizes as it can be adjusted for optimal fit.

Buy the LP Dual Patella Strap


Rehabilitation from Jumper’s Knee

The use of a strap during exercise should be complemented by a program of exercises to help strengthen the muscles in this area.

Stretching exercises such as a quadriceps stretch will help to lengthen the muscles at the front of the thigh, placing less stress on the tendon. A good physiotherapist will help to design a full program to your individual requirements.

If the combination of rest, ice, a patella strap and a series of exercises do not relieve the pain from jumper’s knee then surgery could be necessary. This is why it is important to stop training and start treatment so that your injury does not become chronic. You should always consult a qualified physician before resuming exercise.

The LP Supports Professional Medical team has designed a range of supports, wraps and braces to help manage existing injuries as well as prevent further injury.

View our full range of Knee Supports

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